Wednesday 7 March 2012


how to browse internet safely?

Browsing Internet with 100% safety is an
uphill task to accomplish, however you
can minimize your chances of getting trapped
in Online Phishing Scams by following these
simple tricks.A study shows that 90% of Online Victims donot know what they are actually doing and scammers take the
advantage by making them click fraudulent

1.To start with never share Your Password
with anyone.
2.If using Gmail activate the 2-step
Authentication on your account.
3.Always keep your computer updated.
4.Browse the Web with an updated and
secure browser!Go for Google Chrome or
Mozilla firefox and regularly update them.
5.Regularly Run anti-spyware programs.The
anti-spyware programs i recommend for a
PC are:Ad-Aware 6.0
SpyBot,Webroot Spy Sweeper
6.Configure your Operating System to always
show file extensions.This is a simple trick.Go
to My Computer – Tools – Folder Options –
View tab – and take the check out of Hide file
extensions for known file types.
7.Stay on trusted web sites.
8.Never follow a link in an email that wants
you to update account/personal information.
9.Do not open unknown email attachments.
10.Links may not be what they seem.Hold the
mouse pointer over a link to see the actual
link location(usually displays in the bottom
11.Do not run programs that are of unknown



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