Tuesday 3 July 2012

How To Recover Your Google Account

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These Days many pepole's Google Account hacked, and its a reply to all whol mailed/message/scarp me for asking how to rehack/ restore hacked google Acount !
so Lets Start Step By Step

 1st Option :- Forgot Password 

this will not work in maximum  cases because hacker Changed the all recovery options but if used 2nd step verifction you can restore your account with this option,
Still you should try atleast once as most password gets hacked by script kiddies and not by real hackers.int this Option google will mail you a Password reset link,So go to Forget Password form first!

What to do id Forgot password option failed ??
you need few details for this method
Last successful login date
Account creation date
Google products you used with this account and the date you started using each one
Details about Orkut account (if you use Orkut)
Details about Blogger account (if you use Blogger)
Check your account Creation date in your first recovery email, you'll got date in "Your acc has been created "Email by Gmail team

So now go to this link https://www.google.com/accounts/recovery/knowledgetest
Fill Out maximum Details
if you'll find * after any word it means you must filled this option correct
 after Filling this form you'll got a Password reset Link if you filled right details

Note :-  If you don’t remember any detail required in the form or you just don’t get any reply from Google after submitting the form, please create a new account. There is no other option. Sorry



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